Watercolor Greeting Cards
Watercolor Greeting Cards

Give these three fun and easy DIY watercolor cards a try! Whether you're a seasoned watercolorist or beginner, anyone can make these approachable cards. We will set you up with three designs; however, they can be easily customized for any occasion so you can make someone's day with a handmade greeting. Grab two cups of water (one for watercolor painting, one for cleaning the brush off) and let’s get started!
Step-by-Step Instructions
A. Congrats Card
1. Start by using your teal paint to paint a large, rounded rectangle on the center of the card.
2. Using water on your brush to spread the paint, use the dark green, light blue, and purple paints to add color spots to the teal rounded rectangle. Blend using more clean water on your brush.
3. Using the purple, add a more defined line around the edge of the rectangle.
4. Using the four colors you’ve used so far (teal, dark green, light blue, and purple) add short lines around the outside of the rectangle. Let dry.
6. Use the calligraphy template to add “Congrats” to the middle of the card.
B. Thank You Card
1. To make the rose, start by using the pink paint to paint an imperfect circle for the base. It doesn’t need to be perfect as it will look like a rose from the top. Let it dry.
2. Use the same pink color to define the edge of the petals, starting with the outer petals and working your way in. To make the petals look realistic, overlap the lines so that they look like they’re furling outwards.
3. Use the white paint to add highlights to the inside of each petal.
4. Use the green paint to add leaves to the top right side and the bottom right side of the rose. Let dry.
5. Use the calligraphy template to add “Thank You” to the right hand side of the card.
C. Thinking of You Card
1. Tape edges of card to your table. You can choose how thin or thick you’d like the border to be. Use your finger to firmly seal the edges.
2. Using water and your blue paints, paint over the entire open space of the front part of the card. There is no right or wrong way to do this. The more water you use, the lighter your paint will appear on your card. Let the paint dry.
3. Paint a mountain range using your purple paint. Only paint about one third of the way up from the bottom, leaving a straight line at the bottom of the mountain range. When it’s dry, add another line of purple paint along the top to define the mountain range.
4. In the space underneath the mountain range, paint a layer of green paint, making a green grass foreground in front of the mountain range.
5. Along the bottom of the mountain range where it meets the green grass foreground, paint vertical black lines to begin to make a tree line silhouette. Fill in the silhouette with horizontal lines that are slanted downward, making pine tree shapes.
6. Once the tree line silhouette is dry, take the short end of your calligraphy pen and repeat step 5 with the pen to define trees in the silhouette.
7. Use the yellow and the gold paints to add a sun in the left hand corner. Let dry.
8. Remove the tape from the border of the card once all the paint is dry.
9. Use the calligraphy template to add “Thinking of You” to the bottom of the card.
- Finished Size: 5” x 6⅞” Cards

Watercolor Greeting Cards
- Finished Size: 5” x 6⅞” Cards